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How to Store Tire Bladders

How to Store Tire Bladders

20130523_PIPCO_Bladders_280A9648Do you have problems with cure rates?

It could be your storage procedures.  Here’s why…

Ultraviolet light and ozone cause the most damage to rubber parts in storage. They should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Additionally, extreme environmental conditions and exposure to oils, solvents and corrosive materials can adversely affect the operation and life expectancy of rubber parts. To obtain the maximum use and life expectancy from your purchases of PIPCO’s products, we suggest the following storage guidelines.

  • Store rubber parts in opaque containers to avoid exposing them to light. Polymer’s shipping containers are the best choice for a providing a strain-free, light blocking environment.
  • If use of the shipping container is not feasible for storage, dark plastic bags or other sealable, light blocking containers will suffice.
  • Rubber parts should be stored away from circulating air and sources of ozone. Ozone exposure is particularly deleterious to rubber parts. Therefore, storage rooms should not contain any equipment that is capable of generating ozone, such as electric motors, transformers, high voltage electrical equipment, mercury vapor lights, etc.
  • Storage area should remain dry, below 75% relative humidity and at temperatures above 5° C (41°F) and below 38°C (100°F).Keep rubber parts away from heat sources such as heaters, steam lines, autoclaves, etc.

Need more help with improving your storage procedures?

Please send us an email at

Thanks for reading.

Written by Michael
